Shirt: Rokit
Skirt: Missguided
Creepers: EBay
Socks: Topshop
Necklace: Topshop
Bag: Mulberry
Bracelets: mixture of eBay and Tunisian
Hey my lovelies! Just want to say a quick thank you for all your lovely comments on my last post, it really means alot! I wasn't going to do an outfit post today but I've just got home from Zumba and thought why not! I did take this today and wore it today so I probably should post it today! I bought this shirt on a trip to Camden and its safe to say its one of my faves! The pattern is just so cute and flowery, I think it looks nice when I try and toughen it up a bit with my creepers and spike necklace.
I got back from my holiday in Tunisia a few weeks ago and being very fair skinned I don't tan brilliantly anyway but I just feel like m tan has fallen off already, I haven't even worn a pair of tights since I've been home in the hopes i'll catch the sun if and when it ever comes out. Might have to be a proper Essex girl an fake tan, whaaaat?! :')
Also how cute is my little bubbah cat!